Thursday, April 2, 2009


I've been reading through the Bible and have finally reached the gospels after what seems like years... Anyway, I have been reading about Jesus and taking notice of how His relationships with people affected their lives. It is not a new revelation that coming in contact with Jesus can be a life-altering encounter, but I have found myself being quite introspective with regards to my own relationships.

Let me share:
As a Christian, or Christ-follower, it is our charge to follow in the footsteps of Jesus- to be like Him. So how did Jesus impact those around Him? Look at the disciples. They just dropped what they were doing to follow this new guy. Once with Jesus, their life was never the same. Their lives were changed, enhanced, enriched and empowered because of His impact.
Does, Jesus still impact our lives today in the same way? How does this happen? Does this happen down at the altar, in silent time spent with Him or in times of worship? I think God does move in those ways, but He also moves through people whom He allows to be a part of our lives.
For me, I can think of many people who helped shape who I am today. Other than my parents and grandmother, who obviously had significant roles in my development as a person, I want to highlight five sets of people who stand out to me as "life changers".

First, my youth pastors Doug and Amanda Clarke. I became a Christian under their ministry and they helped build the foundation for my life as a Christ-follower. They were single-handedly responsible for making sure I got to church or got home almost every Wednesday, Sunday and special youth event. They spent time with me during a time when I needed it the most.

Second, my good friends Neil and Missy Clark. I practically lived at their house with their two daughters, Tara and Kaycie (my little sisters). They modeled for me an intact family who could show affection for one another and allowed me to be a part of that.

Third, my friend and co-worker Cheryl Jones. Cheryl was the teacher and then daycare director at the Christian school where I worked. I started working with her when I was only 18, fresh out of high school. At first, I couldn't understand how, or why, she was such a strict teacher. "The poor kids," I thought. As I watched her, I learned what it was to be a great teacher, a teacher who could command obedience, while showing compassion, grace and mercy.

Forth, Patty Fiorisi. I have known Patty since I was about 18, as well. We attended the same church and were in the choir together. Patty has become one of my closest and dearest friends over the last 10 years. During that time, I have become part of her family. I have watched her children grow from adolescents to adults (my brother and sisters). I have observed their open relationship with one another- what a learning opportunity for me. I have also seen Patty's generosity and have incorporated her style of giving into my own life.

Fifth, Guy and Nancy Glass, who’s friendship is so close to my heart. They came to Bethel during a significant time in my life. I was at crossroads. I knew what the "church" taught being a Christian was all about and how I should live and there was that deep knowing there was a different, relational, more intentional way to live that would touch the lives of those outside of the four walls of the church. Their example freed my ministry from the confines of the church building, to become a natural expression of Christ in my community and sphere of influence.

Think on these things:
Who has God blessed your life with?
Who has helped shape and mold you?
Whose life are you impacting?
Who has benefited from your example and relationship?

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